Giving Back - a promise from Terra Polyester S.A. de C.V.
ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT Terra Polyester S.A. de C.V. has formed business alliances in Latin America, as well as motivating micro companies creating suppliers and collection centers through the Central American Region, where we have been able to achieve a 74% collection rate, this is the highest worldwide achievement in PET recycling worldwide, this is the percentage of product kept for recycling instead of ending up polluting our earth in landfills, etc.
2005-2006 Terra Polyester S.A. de C.V. . All rights reserved.
Our CEO in one of the many educational expeditions, showing adults and children of local communities about their interaction with the environment and the important to keep armony with nature.
RECYCLING AND NATURE AWARENESS Terra Polyester S.A. de C.V. is proud to be a sponsor in many cultural activities in local schools explaining about recycling and what can school children do to cooperate. Terra Polyester S.A. also motivates the change to a more pro-active society towards taking care of species in extintion - Funding research and development of Jungle preserves like the one in the Jungles of Cusuco in Honduras.