Giving Back - a promise from Terra Polyester S.A. de C.V.
ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT Plastic PET bottles are an environmental problem in many countries. In third world countries, due to the heat, the consumption of soft drinks is very high, therefore PET consumption is high. The amount of collecting versus what goes to the dumps is high.
The advantage of Third world countries is the percentage of collection is MUCH HIGHER than in industrialized countries. This is a benefit for the environment and land fills in those countries.
2005-2006 Terra Polyester S.A. de C.V. . All rights reserved.
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The above graph tells an unfortunate story. We're using more and more plastic bottles, and we're throwing more and more of them in the dump. Plastic waste takes a long, long time to biodegrade, and recent research has shown that if it end up in bays or oceans, plastic can break up into micro-sized plastic particles and contaminate the marine food chain. We can do better!
RECICLING OTHER COMPONENTS In addition, our company sells or recycles our own byproducts like soda bottle tops which are melted into plastic connectors for mops, etc.
GOOD JOBS, GOOD COMPANY our company is a family owned business, that has been in the textile industry since 1953, therefore all our employees are treated like one big family. Enjoying many benefits and the highest wages in the industry.
REUTILIZING RESOURCES Is another environmental choice, The polyester fiber bales are wrapped in recycled materials, the straps are reused or recycled. All our manufacturing facilities water is filtrated and cleaned, and reutilized again. We harvest even our rain water.
LOWEST FOOTPRINT We are proud by the fact that we have very little waste, this waste in turn in utilized in our custom designed plant to generate power. This means that no byproducts go to a landfill !!
HELPING THE POOR Thousands of families make a living from collecting PET bottles from dumps, offices, schools, homes etc.
Our company has formed a large network of strategic partners converting them into micro businesses , assisting them with equipment,
financial and business assistance.